Welcome to our Barcamp 2023 – we are delighted to welcome you to Heidelberg.
Stadtjugendring and Maison de Heidelberg have created this project “Barcamp” to find innovative ideas from young people for the benefit of our sister cities. So let’s support the youth culture of our cities.

We look forward to your ideas and concepts.


On this page you will find the planned programme for the Barcamp 2023.


Thursday, 30. Nov. 2023

TimeProgramme: Welcome
tbdMeetingpoint at Heidelberg Main Station (at schedule plan in lobby)
 Check-in Hotel
 IBIS Heidelberg, Willy-Brandt-Platz 3, 69115 Heidelberg
17:00 hMeeting of the local youth council on the topic of youth culture
City hall, Markplatz 10, 69117 Heidelberg
19:00 hchristmas market at old town
20:00 hDinner at Sudpfanne, Hauptstraße 221, 69117 Heidelberg

Friday, 01. Dec. 2023

TimeProgramme: Expert Talks
9:30 hMeetingpoint for all: lobby of hotel
10:00 hreception at “Montpellier Haus”
Maison de Montpellier, Kettengasse 19, 69117 Heidelberg
11:45 hLunch Restaurant Extrablatt, Hauptstraße 53, 69117 Heidelberg
14:00 hGuided Tour – Streetart Heidelberg
Expert: Pascal Baumgärtner
16:00 hNight Culture
Expert: Nightmayor Jimmy Kneipp
17:30 hX-Mas Special

Saturday, 02. Dec. 2023

TimeProgramme: Workshops
10:00 hMeetingpoint for all: Lobby at Hotel
Youth Culture in Montpellier and Heidelberg
12:30 hLunch
14:00 hTransfer to the City
 City Tour with Cofsec Montpellier
Strolling through the city
18:00 hDinner at Braustädl, Berliner Str. 41, 69120 Heidelberg
 Youth culture practice
“35. Jugendtanztag Heidelberg” (Heidelberg Youth Dance Festival)

Sunday, 03. Dec. 2023

TimeProgramme: discussion
9:30Meetingpoint for all: Lobby at the hotel
10:00 – 12:00 hPresentation
12:00 hLunch
12:43 hHeidelberg HBF
Depature S3 Direction Germersheim to Mannheim HBF
13:42 hMannheim HBF
Depature TGV 9952

special information





Steffen Woerner
Steffen WoernerExecutive Director
Selina Armbruster
Selina ArmbrusterSenior Associate
Anja Gerlach
Anja GerlachSenior Associate